Animal Science

I have just been reading an article in Cosmos, a magazine about the ‘science of everything’ (thanks Jennifer).  The article was about tickling rats and making them laugh (rats laugh ultrasonically, apparently).  It also talked about the laboratory rats exhibiting all of the same basic emotions as humans: fear, joy, anger, and love.  Electrical stimulation of particular parts of the brain produced the same results in those laboratory rats, as

By |2013-11-15T15:10:23+10:00November 16th, 2013|Animals, Science, Society|


Nothing happens by accident.  There are no coincidences.  Everything happens for a reason, even if you never know what that reason is. Everything is always happening for the highest good of all involved. This concept is illustrated by an old Buddhist tale: It is the story of an old farmer whose only horse ran away.  That evening, the neighbours gathered to commiserate with him since this was such bad luck. 

By |2013-10-18T12:20:43+10:00October 19th, 2013|Animals, Buddhism|