Animal Science

I have just been reading an article in Cosmos, a magazine about the ‘science of everything’ (thanks Jennifer).  The article was about tickling rats and making them laugh (rats laugh ultrasonically, apparently).  It also talked about the laboratory rats exhibiting all of the same basic emotions as humans: fear, joy, anger, and love.  Electrical stimulation of particular parts of the brain produced the same results in those laboratory rats, as

By |2013-11-15T15:10:23+10:00November 16th, 2013|Animals, Science, Society|

Do You Believe In Fairies?

As you may have guessed from some of my previous blogs, I used to think anyone who believed in fairies was weird.  Although I have no physical proof of their existence, I am now confident that they are real.  Along with Angela, the character in my books, Getting Used To Weird and We Are One, I have become one of those weird people. Angela had never considered that fairies could