What Can You Bring To 2018?

I thought it high time that I wrote another blog, and what better day to do it than New Year’s Day. As we enter a new year, we often stop to reflect on the year just gone, and consider the year we hope is just beginning. For many, 2017 was a difficult year.  If you read my previous blog, you will know that I, too, have had a difficult year,

By |2018-01-01T12:56:42+10:00January 1st, 2018|Creation, New Year, We Are One|

Mother Earth in Transition

As I mentioned previously, when we put pen to paper first thing upon awakening, we can more easily communicate with our higher selves, our angels, and God, before the ego mind is awake enough to stick its nose in too much.  A similar situation occurs when we are meditating and our ego mind is quiet. Here is what came through this morning: “We are angels, sent to you to tell

By |2017-05-21T12:59:10+10:00May 21st, 2017|Angels and Spirit Guides, Empathy, Energy, Mother Earth|


We are having a small amount of concrete laid today between our already asphalted driveway and our new shed.  I was watching the concrete being poured and remarking how wonderful it is that they can take a sloppy, lumpy mess and turn it into a smooth flat surface for driving on. This got me to thinking about a couple of things.  One was how we all have something that we

By |2017-05-07T15:52:07+10:00May 7th, 2017|Animals, Future, Mother Earth, Society|

Support For Standing Rock

I have heard so much about the water protesters at Standing Rock on Facebook.  I don’t know if there is any mention of it on Australian television news, because I don’t watch it. I feel a strong urge to support the indigenous people at Standing Rock, yet I don’t really understand why. There have been other indigenous peoples, in other struggles against big business and the governments which support that

By |2016-11-01T16:59:39+10:00November 4th, 2016|Future, Native American Spirituality, Society|

Keep The Faith

My week has been filled with the highest of highs and, although not the very lowest of lows, some painful issues which I have had to try to move past. Like most people, despite my regularly grounding, clearing, and shielding my energy, I become affected by worldwide events.  When you add to this, personal issues which arise, I find that I have to use all of the tools which I

By |2016-06-17T17:09:54+10:00June 17th, 2016|Energy, Peace|

Follow Your Bliss

  My energy, along with the world energy, seems to be a bit agitated today. I have been hearing a lot of messages in the last couple of days, from people all over the world, about changes that are happening to our planet.  There is movement happening within our beautiful Mother Earth, who is taking us into the new age of love and joy.  We just need to keep up

By |2016-06-03T16:55:07+10:00June 3rd, 2016|Energy, Future, Mother Earth|

Feeling Blaahhh?

I wanted to do things a little differently this week.  Rather than me telling you about the week that I have had, I wanted to ask everyone who reads my blog, if you would like to tell me how your week has been. I am really interested to know the truth of how your week has been, not the answer of “not bad” which you normally give in a social

By |2016-04-15T17:03:50+10:00April 15th, 2016|Future, Mother Earth|

Warrior Of The Heart

Today’s blog was inspired by Yes, Prime Minister, the old British comedy series that we have seen hundreds of times, and yet still manages to make us laugh. This particular program was suggesting a more democratic system with more grass-roots representation which would mean eradication of the party system.  Naturally, the politicians were quick to renounce the truly democratic system once they realised its ramifications. There were other sources of

By |2016-02-12T16:05:41+10:00February 12th, 2016|Mother Earth, Politics, Women|

Sons and Daughters

I was moved to choose a card from Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards (Doreen Virtue PhD) today for inspiration for my blog. If you have been reading my previous blogs, you will know that I have been studying the book, Nature’s Way – Native Wisdom for Living in Balance with the Earth, by Ed McGaa, Eagle Man, as part of my course in Native American Spirituality at AIHT.

By |2015-07-03T17:36:32+10:00July 3rd, 2015|Animals, Environment, Society|

Welcome to My World

Last week’s blog left me feeling a little overwhelmed.  There are so many things happening in the world with the potential to cause us fear, without reading more in a spiritual book, or writing about them in my own blog. http://www.lorelletaylor.com/think-twice/ I was especially troubled when I heard of the loss of lives in rapidly rising flood-waters, so close to my home.  As I stopped to feel compassion for those

By |2015-05-08T17:29:01+10:00May 8th, 2015|Mother Earth, Prayer|