
This week I signed a petition, which called on the Prime Minister and the company who owned him, to free a steer which had escaped when being loaded onto a ship for live export.  This poor beast had swum and walked for kilometres in order to escape the fate which his owners had in mind for him, only to be caught and to die at the hands of the humans

By |2016-11-19T18:47:55+10:00November 19th, 2016|Animals, God, Society|

Time To Choose

I read the book, Tomorrow’s God, by Neale Donald Walsch, a few years ago, and I picked it up again recently to confirm something that I was writing about.  As I started flipping through the pages, I began reading the book once more, from cover to cover. This book contains some dire warnings from God: “Life is functional, adaptable, and sustainable.  When it moves toward the edge of functionality –

By |2016-10-21T18:05:52+10:00October 21st, 2016|God, Society, We Are One|

Angel Messages

One of the challenges from Billie Dean’s 30 Days of Spiritual Wildness (the course I mentioned a couple of weeks ago) has been to write a few pages in a notebook when first awakening.  I was having trouble filling the pages on that first day, so I asked my angels for some help.  I found that I connected to them in a way that I hadn’t done in a long

By |2016-09-16T17:10:09+10:00September 16th, 2016|Angels and Spirit Guides, Animals, Love|

Muddy Waters

The quote from the Tao Te Ching on Wayne Dyer’s Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life perpetual calendar earlier this week: The muddiest water clears as it is stilled. And out of that stillness, life arises. From my reading of Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations With God books, I learned that Life, is another name for Love, which is another name for God. So if you read the above quote

By |2016-02-26T14:37:57+10:00February 26th, 2016|God, Love, Meditation|

When the Tao Is Lost

The quote for May 30 from the Tao Te Ching, in Dr Wayne Dyer’s perpetual calendar: Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life, is this: When the Tao is lost, there is goodness.When goodness is lost, there is morality.When morality is lost, there is ritual.Ritual is the husk of true faith, the beginning of chaos.   My understanding of this quote is that, even when a strong connection to God

By |2015-05-29T16:52:09+10:00May 29th, 2015|Christianity, God, Islam, Religion, Taoism|

All Creatures Great and Small

I was reminded yesterday how much I’ve changed over the years. Yesterday I heard about the stick insect that my great niece has been keeping as a pet for 6 months.  I had no idea that stick insects could be kept as pets, so I was interested to find out all about it, and when I got home I googled and found this: I remarked when I heard about

By |2014-12-27T13:18:35+10:00December 27th, 2014|Mother Earth|

Turbulent Week

In my card reading for this week, I spoke of my feeling that it was going to be a bit of turbulent week.  Unfortunately this proved correct on a national level, but also on a personal level, and I think the two are related. Unless you have been living in a bubble this week, you would have heard about the siege in Sydney.  I am sure that this was particularly

By |2014-12-19T21:29:38+10:00December 19th, 2014|Society|

Miracles Of Life

As I sit looking out of the window at the light rain falling, I am so grateful. The lawn had started to turn brown, and it crunched underfoot as I walked on it. I had been asking for rain for a while, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. By all reports, this weekend we are due for a good soaking. What better way to spend a drizzly day,

By |2014-08-15T17:41:32+10:00August 16th, 2014|Animals, Environment, God, Mother Earth|


Hubby and I have had a few challenges this week, but rather than focus on those, I’d like to focus on the miracles that happen in our lives every day. Millions of miracles happen every day, but we often take them all for granted: The miracle of life, where so many systems work together to allow us to exist on this planet.  How often do we stop to think of all

By |2014-03-22T08:42:28+10:00March 22nd, 2014|Christianity, God, Peace|

The New Spirituality

In Billie Dean’s Animal Whispers newsletter this week, she mentioned that she and a lot of other people were getting the feeling that “something big was getting closer. That it was time to step into our medicine. What Lightworkers and Wayshowers and Pioneers and Earthkeepers and Animal Warriors all came here to do. Be the Light.” I started to contemplate what my role in this might be.  Although I know

By |2013-11-01T20:20:19+10:00November 2nd, 2013|Christianity, God, Love, Mother Earth, Religion, Society, We Are One|