Weight Loss The Easy Way

As I was driving to the station on my way to French class this week, I heard a news item about some offensive cards targeting fat people on the Tube in London.  As I had missed the details, after I boarded the train I googled the story to find out what had really occurred. When I read what the card had said, I thought it was rude and disgusting, and

By |2015-12-04T18:27:49+10:00December 4th, 2015|Energy, Health, Love, Meditation|

For The Love Of Pit-Bulls

Cassie I had a week of mixed emotions this week.  Most of my week was spent in joy, but there was one incident which caused me fear and distress. My sweet, eleven year old, dog, Cassie, and I were just returning from a lovely long walk.  We had been walking in a neighbourhood where the developers had left many trees.  There was a small wild area with a

By |2014-06-27T19:08:29+10:00June 28th, 2014|Animals|

I Can See!

Last night, during my meditation prior to going to bed, I asked for some inspiration for this week’s blog.  I received a vision of me creating a picture using a computer program. I have spent the morning enjoying myself as I played with the program, and attempted to remember the vision I had seen, and to recreate it.  I was happy to create some colour in what would otherwise be

By |2014-03-28T18:48:10+10:00March 29th, 2014|God, Religion, Spiritual Communication, Tarot, The Mind|

The New Spirituality

In Billie Dean’s Animal Whispers newsletter this week, she mentioned that she and a lot of other people were getting the feeling that “something big was getting closer. That it was time to step into our medicine. What Lightworkers and Wayshowers and Pioneers and Earthkeepers and Animal Warriors all came here to do. Be the Light.” I started to contemplate what my role in this might be.  Although I know

By |2013-11-01T20:20:19+10:00November 2nd, 2013|Christianity, God, Love, Mother Earth, Religion, Society, We Are One|