You Have All The Answers

I awoke with a feeling of disquiet. The dream was still vivid in my mind. I was perturbed as I snuggled deeper into my bed and tried to understand what it all meant: I was driving my husband’s car. I wanted to drive up one of the narrow roads that lead up the hill, but each one I passed was covered in snow, and impassable. I drove instead down towards

By |2014-05-09T18:38:20+10:00May 10th, 2014|Dreams, Religion|

Balancing The Divine Feminine And Divine Masculine

I started to wonder about the balance between masculine and feminine, and whether our society, in Australia, is headed towards that balance. We know that in many societies in the world, including our own, the masculine has dominated for many years, but is that starting to change? As often happens, I received some inspiration from a television program: Doctor Quinn – Medicine Woman (again). The story this evening was about

By |2013-11-08T14:55:44+10:00November 9th, 2013|Empathy, Society|