Fighting the Enemy Within

Image by Jose R. Cabello from Pixabay For the last few days, I have been watching a small bird (a Long-tailed Tit, I think) as it fights the birds it sees reflected in the windows of our house, attacking a different window at different times of the day. At first I thought it amusing, but soon became concerned that the poor bird would injure itself, or at the

By |2023-03-20T23:20:40+10:00March 20th, 2023|Conflict|


If you have been reading my blogs about what I have learned from A Course in Miracles, you will remember that the mind is split between our God mind (the part that thinks as God thinks) and our ego mind (where any perceived errors occur).  This split occurred when we decided to separate ourselves from God.  (We are never really separated from God, but we have convinced ourselves that we


Even though I try not to watch the news because it is so depressing, I know there seems to be a lot of conflict in the world at the moment.  What do you think is the source of this conflict? If we look to A Course in Miracles for answers, we find that the source of conflict in the world is merely a reflection of the conflict within each one

By |2014-09-26T17:53:56+10:00September 27th, 2014|Ego, God, Love|