When the Tao Is Lost

The quote for May 30 from the Tao Te Ching, in Dr Wayne Dyer’s perpetual calendar: Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life, is this: When the Tao is lost, there is goodness.When goodness is lost, there is morality.When morality is lost, there is ritual.Ritual is the husk of true faith, the beginning of chaos.   My understanding of this quote is that, even when a strong connection to God

By |2015-05-29T16:52:09+10:00May 29th, 2015|Christianity, God, Islam, Religion, Taoism|

Barbie World

It is with much trepidation that I start this week’s blog. If you have been reading my blogs for a while, you will know that I often get my inspiration from songs.  Two nights ago, my husband was trying out a new MP3 player he bought, when he discovered that it had two songs already recorded on it.  He was thrilled to find that one of those songs was a

By |2015-01-23T15:53:29+10:00January 23rd, 2015|A Course in Miracles, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam|


After studying A Course in Miracles, I have come a lot closer to reconciling many of the different beliefs of different religions which I have learned about.  Not being an expert on any religion, I would be grateful if you point out any beliefs which I inadvertently misrepresent. I think I have resolved a couple of the major differences between Christianity and Islam in relation to Jesus’ death and his

By |2015-01-09T13:12:01+10:00November 22nd, 2014|A Course in Miracles, Religion|

Feminist Theology

I started a new course this week at AIHT (American Institute of Holistic Theology) called Feminist Theology. I was speaking about it in my French class, and the teacher asked me why I wanted to do that course.  I told her, as best I could in my limited French, that my reason was because there are lots of women living under oppression.  I explained that the book I am reading

By |2014-05-23T18:58:13+10:00May 24th, 2014|Christianity, God, Islam, Love, Peace, Religion, Society, Women|

We Are One

My recent Chaplaincy course caused me to consider the differences between the various religions, which has led me to ponder the differences between all of the cultures of the world, and the billions of individual humans which constitute those cultures. With so many different influences on our lives, it is no surprise that the differences between individuals of one culture or religion, and those of another, appear to be vast. And yet,

By |2014-02-14T18:00:07+10:00February 15th, 2014|Christianity, Empathy, God, Islam, Religion, Society, We Are One|

What Do We Know About Religion?

What do we know about other religions, or for that matter the religion we call our own? My father was originally a Congregational Church minister, so I was raised as a Protestant.  I learned a little bit about the Christian religion in childhood Sunday School classes, and I even attended a few Bible Study classes in my very early teens.  After that, however, I was keen to embrace the secular

By |2014-01-24T20:26:13+10:00January 25th, 2014|Peace, Religion|

The Parable Of The Happy Plant

Reincarnation is a concept so naturally and intrinsically a part of many religions, that their proponents might wonder how anyone could think anything else. Hinduism and Buddhism are two such religions.  My understanding of their beliefs is that we create everything in our lives through our thoughts, words, and actions.  Our karma is the consequences of these thoughts, words, and actions, and reincarnation is necessary for us to resolve the

By |2013-09-27T18:17:57+10:00September 28th, 2013|Buddhism, Christianity, Religion|