Getting Used To Weird

By |2013-08-03T12:01:49+10:00August 3rd, 2013|Angels and Spirit Guides, Spiritual Communication|

I am so grateful to my angels and spirit guides for all of their help.

I first met them almost 6 years ago, The character in my book had a similar experience. Just like Angela, I started talking to my angels after reading a book called “Ask Your Angels” by Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie and Andrew Ramer.

The exercises in the book took me through the GRACE process – Grounding, Releasing, Aligning, Conversing, and Enjoying. These exercises ground you, allow you to release those things standing in the way of conversations with your angels, help you to align with the angels by raising your vibration, and then to converse, and enjoy the conversation. Some of my early conversations with these loving beings were less than perfect, as I sometimes let my own thoughts, and my doubts, get in the way.

After reading about how to converse with angels, I read Sonia Choquette’s book “Ask Your Guides”, and learned what the difference is.

I had never considered myself as psychic, so I had never considered what sort of psychic ability was my strongest. After I learned that I could hear my angels and guides, I began to think of myself as clairaudient. I started developing all of my psychic abilities with the help of many teachers such as Sonia Choquette, John Edward, and a local psychic development teacher, and discovered that I have the other ‘Clairs’ as well, but I have had to work at their development. The two most important lessons I have learned have been:

·         Pay attention

·         Trust

An example happened recently:

I was going to catch a bus and I knew as I approached the bus stop through an underpass, that the bus was already at the stop. I had never caught a bus at that time before, so had no way of knowing when, during the ten minute intervals, the bus would arrive – except I did. Years ago, I may have had that thought: “The bus is there already”, but I would have dismissed it as a lucky guess. Now I acknowledge the fact that I have what may be called claircognizance.

For around the first five and a half of those 6 years of development, I would have probably told you that I am not clairvoyant, and that I’ve never been a visual person. But lately, I have had a few visual flashes as I read Tarot cards, and as I acknowledge them, their frequency is increasing.

I have realised that, just like your physical muscles, your psychic muscles can be developed. And the more you use these muscles, and acknowledge your experience of them with gratitude, the more proficient you become.

As the title of my book suggests, Getting Used To Weird is what I have done. I used to think that all of this sort of stuff was weird, and so did my character, Angela. Both Angela and I got used to weird, and so can you.

All of us have God-given gifts. If you start to pay attention to what your psychic senses are telling you, trust them, and acknowledge their assistance with gratitude, you too can get used to weird.

Have you always known you were psychic, or have you only recently discovered it?

Or, are you not yet used to weird?

I’d love to hear about your experiences.



One Comment

  1. Jennifer August 7, 2013 at 5:45 pm - Reply

    I enjoyed reading about your experiences, Lorelle, and look forward to reading your book some time. I know you call it ‘weird’ but if these experiences feel right and normal, it’s not weird!

    What I feel is the energy of Archangels, if I call upon them for healing. I experience it as a ‘cold’ energy and it feels different to other healings. Maybe one day I will hear them as well. At the moment it is a very one-sided conversation! But I certainly know they are there and am very open to what can happen.

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