Peace = No More Guilt

It has been a while since I wrote a blog about animals, and I felt the urge today to make that up to them. The more we think about animals, the more we consider our cruel treatment of them.  The more that we consider our cruel treatment of animals, the more we can understand that the problems which we face in our lives and in our world are merely a

By |2014-10-10T19:05:02+10:00October 11th, 2014|Animals, Ego, God, Peace, Vegan, We Are One|

Aucune Idée – I Haven’t Got A Clue

When I asked for guidance about what I could write my blog about this week, the thought came to me in French “Aucune idée”.  “Great”, I thought, “my spiritual helpers are going on strike – taking a week off and flying off to Maui to be with Doreen Virtue maybe”.  But later, I realised that this really was to be the subject of my blog. Often when we follow our

No Time Like The Present

“There’s no time like the present,” my mother used to say, when she wanted me to do something that I was procrastinating about. Perhaps what she really meant was: “There’s no time but the present.” My lessons from A Course In Miracles have taught me that, for our real spiritual selves, the present is really all that exists. I had learned previously that God is in the present moment, but

By |2014-09-13T13:34:17+10:00September 13th, 2014|Ego, God, Peace, Society, We Are One|


I found the inspiration for this week’s blog while cleaning my teeth this morning. I have one solitary wisdom tooth, but it still resides within my gum. Every few weeks, within the last year or so, it moves around a bit, enough for me to think that it might be about to make its way to the surface. Then it becomes dormant again for another few weeks, before it starts

By |2014-08-09T10:21:56+10:00August 9th, 2014|God, Love, Meditation, The Mind, We Are One|

Woman Wisdom

As I mentioned in previous blogs, I have been doing a course on Feminist Theology at AIHT.  This has made me consider the perspectives from which we view the world, and to attempt to understand the cause of some of those perspectives. The reality that we perceive in the world is shaped by our past experiences, so each one of us looks at the world differently.  Even though there are

By |2014-06-20T18:40:17+10:00June 21st, 2014|Society, We Are One, Women|

Eve and Adam

As I mentioned last week, I have been studying Feminist Theology. I gave some examples of the way in which Christian and Islamic texts have been used to subjugate women, and called for people of all faiths to stand up against oppression of and violence against women wherever they see it. I also said that, together, man and woman can create Heaven on Earth. I found that, shortly after writing

By |2014-05-30T14:57:44+10:00May 31st, 2014|Animals, Christianity, Future, God, Islam, Judaism, Sex, We Are One, Women|


This week's blog follows on from last week's, in which I asked what sort of legacy you would like to leave.  How would you like to be remembered? Whilst it is true that the important point in life is who you are being rather than what you are doing, once you have decided who you want to be, there is a good chance that you will want to do something

By |2014-03-08T08:11:23+10:00March 8th, 2014|Peace, We Are One, Women|

We Are One

My recent Chaplaincy course caused me to consider the differences between the various religions, which has led me to ponder the differences between all of the cultures of the world, and the billions of individual humans which constitute those cultures. With so many different influences on our lives, it is no surprise that the differences between individuals of one culture or religion, and those of another, appear to be vast. And yet,

By |2014-02-14T18:00:07+10:00February 15th, 2014|Christianity, Empathy, God, Islam, Religion, Society, We Are One|

Animal Communication

Is it possible to communicate with animals telepathically? I know the answer is yes. I have seen it and experienced it; I have done it.  But I wouldn’t call myself an Animal Communicator, because to become an animal communicator, I believe you need a couple of things that I currently lack: confidence in my ability, and practice followed by validation. I have been taught by a couple of masters. I

By |2014-01-31T19:11:27+10:00February 1st, 2014|Animals, We Are One|

The New Spirituality

In Billie Dean’s Animal Whispers newsletter this week, she mentioned that she and a lot of other people were getting the feeling that “something big was getting closer. That it was time to step into our medicine. What Lightworkers and Wayshowers and Pioneers and Earthkeepers and Animal Warriors all came here to do. Be the Light.” I started to contemplate what my role in this might be.  Although I know

By |2013-11-01T20:20:19+10:00November 2nd, 2013|Christianity, God, Love, Mother Earth, Religion, Society, We Are One|