Expanding The Comfort Zone

I had my appointment with my federal member of parliament today, about live animal exports. I had accumulated a large amount of information about live animal exports and the alternatives which are available in the form of chilled meat exports.  Thanks to a very helpful lady at Animals Australia, I had so much information about the industry and the alternatives, that for a while I was a bit overwhelmed.  I

By |2014-04-05T17:25:06+10:00April 5th, 2014|Angels and Spirit Guides, Animals, Future, Politics|


During my studies of other religions, particularly Islam, I have been reading about the history of nations and societies.  In the process, I have come to consider the freedoms which we sometimes take for granted in this country, Australia, and without which life could be less than fulfilling, or perhaps even miserable. As I considered all of our freedoms, I wondered firstly how much do we really appreciate

By |2014-02-22T08:13:01+10:00February 22nd, 2014|Animals, God, Islam, Love, Women|

Animal Communication

Is it possible to communicate with animals telepathically? I know the answer is yes. I have seen it and experienced it; I have done it.  But I wouldn’t call myself an Animal Communicator, because to become an animal communicator, I believe you need a couple of things that I currently lack: confidence in my ability, and practice followed by validation. I have been taught by a couple of masters. I

By |2014-01-31T19:11:27+10:00February 1st, 2014|Animals, We Are One|

Animal Science

I have just been reading an article in Cosmos, a magazine about the ‘science of everything’ (thanks Jennifer).  The article was about tickling rats and making them laugh (rats laugh ultrasonically, apparently).  It also talked about the laboratory rats exhibiting all of the same basic emotions as humans: fear, joy, anger, and love.  Electrical stimulation of particular parts of the brain produced the same results in those laboratory rats, as

By |2013-11-15T15:10:23+10:00November 16th, 2013|Animals, Science, Society|


Nothing happens by accident.  There are no coincidences.  Everything happens for a reason, even if you never know what that reason is. Everything is always happening for the highest good of all involved. This concept is illustrated by an old Buddhist tale: It is the story of an old farmer whose only horse ran away.  That evening, the neighbours gathered to commiserate with him since this was such bad luck. 

By |2013-10-18T12:20:43+10:00October 19th, 2013|Animals, Buddhism|

Amazing Grace

On 19th May 2013, I sent the following document to every Australian MP and every Australian senator.  Below, you will find their responses and my conclusions: "I recently saw the movie “Amazing Grace” about William Wilberforce and his campaign to end the slave trade. When viewing the cramped and putrid conditions in which slaves were transported on the sea, I was reminded of the way we now transport our live

By |2013-08-23T17:04:07+10:00August 24th, 2013|Animals, Australian Federal Election, Politics|

Meeting Your Power Animal

I was looking for some inspiration for my blog when I saw a picture of my power animal, Anunya, the tiger, and I knew that she would be able to help me. I met Anunya, and remet Lila, my other power animal, a chimpanzee, in a meditation during Billie Dean’s Animal Shamanism Level 2 online course. I learned that Anunya was there to help me with my courage, confidence and

By |2019-12-14T11:52:08+10:00August 10th, 2013|Animals, Meditation, Spiritual Communication|

What Sort Of World Do We Want For Our Future?

Do we all have different answers to this question? Is the answer as individual as each of us is? I’ll give you my answer and you can tell me what you think. I want a world where every man, every woman, every child, every animal, and Mother Earth herself, are treated with respect.  I want a world where every person on the Earth has sufficient food, water, shelter and security.

By |2013-07-20T08:59:00+10:00July 20th, 2013|Animals, Future, Love, Mother Earth, Peace|

Why I Am Vegan

Being peace to bring peace. I have not always been a vegan, even though I had known about the cruelty involved in the factory farming system for 20 years or so.  For a while I was what I would call a pseudo-vegetarian.  I was mostly vegetarian, but I still ate fish.  I wasn’t committed to vegetarianism, because I believed that one person couldn’t make a difference.  I even started reintroducing

By |2013-07-13T09:01:48+10:00July 13th, 2013|Animals, God, Peace, Vegan, We Are One|