

Balancing The Divine Feminine And Divine Masculine

I started to wonder about the balance between masculine and feminine, and whether our society, in Australia, is headed towards that balance.

We know that in many societies in the world, including our own, the masculine has dominated for many years, but is that starting to change?

As often happens, I received some inspiration from a television program: Doctor Quinn – Medicine Woman (again).

The story this evening was about a young female Chinese doctor, whose grandfather had

By |November 9th, 2013|Empathy, Society|

The New Spirituality

In Billie Dean’s Animal Whispers newsletter this week, she mentioned that she and a lot of other people were getting the feeling that “something big was getting closer. That it was time to step into our medicine. What Lightworkers and Wayshowers and Pioneers and Earthkeepers and Animal Warriors all came here to do. Be the Light.”

I started to contemplate what my role in this might be.  Although I know that I am an Animal Warrior,

By |November 2nd, 2013|Christianity, God, Love, Mother Earth, Religion, Society, We Are One|

FP – The Kingdom Of Heaven

I started reading the book, E2, by Pam Grout, a few days ago.  This book has a number of experiments, which theoretically prove that the Law Of Attraction works, and that we can manifest our own reality.

I thought: “This is great.  If I can do the experiments and prove that it works, my belief system will change, such that I will know for certain that I am a powerful manifester of all I desire.  There

By |October 26th, 2013|Christianity, The Law of Attraction, The Mind|


Nothing happens by accident.  There are no coincidences.  Everything happens for a reason, even if you never know what that reason is. Everything is always happening for the highest good of all involved.

This concept is illustrated by an old Buddhist tale:

It is the story of an old farmer whose only horse ran away.  That evening, the neighbours gathered to commiserate with him since this was such bad luck.  “Your farm will

By |October 19th, 2013|Animals, Buddhism|

The Mind Of God Is Present

I have read a lot of books in the last few years about consciousness, the mind, and the brain, and the links between them.

Is the mind that which we call consciousness, and if so, where does it reside?  A lot of people believe that the mind resides in the brain.  Others believe that the mind is stored in every cell in our bodies.  Yet others believe that our mind is only part of the mind

By |October 12th, 2013|Consciousness, God, The Mind|

The Value Of Democracy

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you will remember that, a couple of weeks ago, I talked about empathy and energy.  My conclusion, if you recall, was that empathy was a good thing, because it caused us to want to create joy for everyone, as a way to create joy for ourselves.

Then I received this daily quote from Abraham-Hicks:

There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers or Beings